Caistor Yarborough Academy

Respectful | Resilient | Resourceful | Responsible


Careers Education Provision

“Caistor Yarborough Academy is fully committed to ensuring that all of our students acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes to manage their learning and career aspirations. Ultimately, we work towards them becoming independent and productive adults who achieve their full potential.”


Careers education and provision at Caistor Yarborough is designed to ensure students are provided with regular information and guidance, as well as experiences which will help shape their decisions around Post-16 education and future career and employment routes

The CEIAG program ensures the academy is able to demonstrate evidence towards all strands of the Gatsby Benchmarks, by which Careers provision is judged and ensures that students have a clear understanding of how each subject links to the world of work.


Where does Careers fit in the curriculum?

In Year 7, the PSHE Curriculum is used to develop students’ understanding of ‘Employability Skills’ over a 6 week course, exploring the importance of Teamwork, Communication and Leadership Skills. The PSHE Curriculum also allows students to complete their own Enterprise Project as part of developing their understanding of Entrepreneurship.

In Years 8 and 9, the PSHE Curriculum program builds on the Year 7 themes by developing students’ understanding of different career routes and the range of careers linked to a wide variety of school subjects. Through the use of ICT research and careers websites, students develop their understanding of their own personal skills and traits and how these link to specific job roles and careers.


At Key Stage 4, a combination of PSHE Lessons, form time activities and whole school ‘Discovery Days’ are used to consolidate the Careers Program, allowing students to re-visit aspects of Employability Skills as well as develop their understanding of the Local Labour Market. In Year 11, assembly time is used to allow local Post 16 providers to speak to students about options after GCSEs.


Throughout each year, opportunities and events involving local employers have gradually been implemented to develop students understanding and experience of workplaces and businesses.


The Academy’s Careers Program is built around the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.  This ensures students have regular exposure to Careers themed lessons and events through each academic year.  You can read more about the benchmarks by visiting this link: Good Career Guidance | Education | Gatsby