Caistor Yarborough Academy

Respectful | Resilient | Resourceful | Responsible


Pupil Premium



Since 2011, the Government has provided additional funding to schools called the Pupil Premium.

Students eligible to receive this funding are:

  • students entitled to free school meals (FSM) – £1035 per student
  • students that have been entitled to FSM during the last six years (Ever6) – £1035 per student
  • children in care or looked after (LAC) or previously looked after children (PLAC) – £2530 per student
  • services children – £335 per student



The money is used to provide additional support to ensure looked after children and children from low income families do not fall behind with their progress. The Forces Premium is for the same purpose but also can be used to provide additional pastoral support for pupils whose parents may be, for example, posted abroad.

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying gaps in attainment between these groups of students and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

Caistor Yarborough Academy will primarily focus the Pupil Premium funding to accelerate progress and ‘narrow the gap’ for disadvantaged students.

In 2022-2023, Caistor Yarborough Academy received £124,632 of Pupil Premium Funding.

In 2023-2024, Caistor Yarborough Academy will receive an estimated £153,692 for Pupil Premium Funding.


How does the school get the funding?


The Pupil Premium Funding is administered straight into the School’s budget.

It is important that you register your child’s entitlement to Free School Meals if you are eligible to do so. The additional funding the School receives can make a significant impact on your child’s progress.

Please also make the school aware if your child would qualify for the Service Premium or under the Adoption and Children Act 2002.

The link below directs parents to the Free School Meals application form:


Please click on the Pupil Premium Strategy Statement below to view the academy report on how effectively Caistor Yarborough Academy used Pupil Premium funding in 2022-23 to help close the performance gap among groups of students at the school. You can also see the plans for use of this funding for the year 2023-24.

This information will be updated before December 2024.